Tatiana Zhadan sent us information about a suneater - a healer from Zhaporozhie.

LIGHT that gives life.

The Sun is the source of life on Earth, there is no doubt about it. But can man live without food, exclusively on solar energy? Yes, he can! A healer from Zhaporozhie called Nikolai Dolgorukiy is an example of this.

Suneater from Solnechnaya Str.
Among people who are interested in bioenergy, extrasensory things and magic as well as in alternative scientific literature there is information about individuals who eat nothing but sunlight and Cosmic energy. They are referred to as suneaters. In the country of yogis India there are many of them, in the USA and Europe there are some, in the CIS there are only a few.
That's why it is even more surprising that there is a suneater in Zhaporozhie who lives (what a fantastic coincidence!) at 1 Solnechnaya Str. The yard of his house, facing the Red Water and an intersection of several streets of Zeleniy Yar, can be seen from afar thanks to a number of pyramidal structures. The pyramids built by Nikolai Dolgorukiy have healing properties and are energetically connected with similar constructions in Egypt and on Mars. But we are not going to speak of them now, we are going to speak of this unique person who has learnt to live without food. Nikolai was born in Zhaporozhie in 1957, graduated from a technical college, worked in the North. He dedicated himself to spiritual perfection at the age of 33. But it had begun long before that. Nikolai Dolgorukiy: When I was 10, my brother died; at the age of 16 I lost my father. These tremendous losses were leading me to the understanding of some truth, to something I could not grasp… In 1972 I came upon a rare copy of a book on hatha yoga. And I started working on myself. I read, collected newspaper and magazine clips, studied oriental martial arts, phytotherapy, psychology… In 1993 I graduated from the University majoring in Bioenergy Information Science and Psychocorrection. Since 1989 I kept a light Christian fast - I did not eat animal food, I ate mostly vegetables. And since 25 August 2003 I have not eaten anything…
"The sun, air and water are my only food"
- What do you live on?
- I gaze at the sun, for more than five hours a day. My record is 13 hours…
I go barefoot, sleep outside or in one of the pyramids both in summer and in winter. At first I drank milk and cacao, now I drink only "charged" water (almost boiling) and dissolve a teaspoonful of honey in the cup. I drink up to ten such cups a day. That's it! The energy of the Sun and Space and the capacities of our body regarding photosynthesis are enough for me. I even feel my blood renovate.
- Do you have any health problems?
- At first I lost 5-7 kg, but now my weight is OK. I do hard physical work (during our conversation Nikolai was digging a pit to build a new energy chamber). I always ride a bike. There are no problems.
- What about your eyes? One can lose his eyesight gazing at the sun for many hours, can't he?
- As you can see, I have excellent eyesight, I can read well. It is important to do everything gradually and with the help of God.
- But books are not enough to become a suneater, right?
- One must have an aspiration and a connection with God. All my actions are guided by God. I get information about what to do and how to do it as if through an interface. It requires only darkness and silence.
- But you also have a gift...
- Everyone has a gift. Anyone can become a suneater. I don't have secrets. I am eager to undergo a medical checkup that will allow to study the phenomenon of suneating. In fact, I am happy that there are researchers. I am willing to share my knowledge but not with idle curious people, I am willing to share it with those who want to change themselves, those who "aspire"…

Portal to God.
According to Nikolai Dolgorukiy, such portal opened on his plot of land thanks to years of hard work. No wonder that every plant grows wildly around it, and a person who visits this place is cured. Nikolai assures that it is not he who heals but the higher powers. His only task is to create conditions for this. With this purpose he has built pyramids and energy chambers (whose shape activates the Space energy regenerating all the human organs and cells). But not only for this.
Man must clarify the Earth around him. In this case life will change for the better. "That's exactly what I do: I build pyramids, plant trees along the Red Water, says Nikolai. The humankind will become closer to Nature if we unite our efforts…"
The most amazing thing is that environmental problems do not prevent Nikolai doing what he does: they can be solved. On the contrary: Zhaporozhie has been created for contact with God, in particular it can be explained by the presence of Khortitsa, by the fact that magicians, Cossacks lived here once; they were probably ancestors of Nikolai Dolgorukiy and passed their gift on to him. Native land and the Sun feed man with their power. The only thing one must have for this is love. And if we think it over, that's the way it should be!
Sergei Cherniy

The opinion of scientists: suneaters exist!
Suneaters are people who willingly decided to stop eating with the help of stomach and feed on the energy of sunlight through skin. Such people have not had a drop in their mouth for years.
Nevertheless, they do not look exhausted or thin; on the contrary, they are full of strength and energy. Among them there is Indian Manek who has not eaten and drunk for over a year and has been observed by doctors, a woman from Australia Jasmahin who has been abstaining from eating for over 8 years (!!!) and a researcher from Russia Aleksandr Komarov. His record is two years.
On the eve of 2001 the newspaper "?he ?imes of India" wrote about an incredible case. A 64-year old mechanic Hira Ratan Manek had been living without food for a year. He had not eaten a crumb and had drunk only boiled water. The Indian feeds on… the solar energy.
This case is not invented, it is a fact officially confirmed by the doctors of the Institute of Many Purpose Therapy at the International Health Center (Ahmedabad) and by the specialist of the Jainist Association of Doctors who started observing the suneater's health two days before the beginning of striving. The experiment lasted for 411 days. The engineer mechanic did not eat anything during this period.

A new race of humans who do not eat anything, a New race or even a new species is born.
It has been estimated that there up to 8-10 thousand individuals on Earth who eat the energy of the Sun. And they can help us see where the human evolution is going. Man is not turning into an insect with a small body and a huge head: he is becoming similar to… a plant. In the sense that he is beginning to digest the energy of light directly just like representatives of the flora. There are already thousands and thousands of suneaters on the planet - forerunners of a new species.
Would any of those who "see the future" have dared suppose that the sixth race could be the race of suneaters. No, clairvoyants and futurologists did not think about it. Simple scientists realized it. In 1880 the Russian scientist Sergei Podolinskiy pointed out that labor is the only kind of work that does not spend energy; on the contrary, it concentrates it. All the working machines get out of order and break down because they are unable to change the broken parts by themselves. To become a perfect machine from the thermodynamic point of view, i.e. not to waste energy during work but to collect it, we must refuse to use the solar energy accumulated by plants and get connected to the Sun directly.
In 1925 the same thought was expressed by Vladimir Vernadskiy in the article "Autotrophism of Humanity". As long as people depend on the rest of flora and fauna as far as food is concerned, they won't be well-provided for, thought the great scientist. In reality it won't be man anymore but another intelligent creature…
The materials have been prepared by Sergei Cherniy.

We asked the Archintelligent God Nefhchuht to answer this article. He said the following

«Man has not reached the level of life that would allow him to eat the energies of the Sun yet. The energies of the Sun are very powerful; people would simply burn if he got them to live (as one healer says). Gazing at the Sun, he burns negative energies inside that's why he feels vigorous and healthy. And the food he takes in is sufficient for his body to make him feel healthy. Healthy way of life is also very important"».


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