Now Mother Earth is suffering because of the negative energies that proliferate on the planet. The negative is attacking the planet from the negative 6 Zet Field through negative contactees that act as conductors. The representatives of the negative want to control the entire humanity and the human will, as well as the human brain by inserting into it zombie programs. To achieve this purpose, they use negative energies. In order to achieve the desired result, they also insert encodings into the brain to influence the Soul. The encodings are a type of the programs inserted into the human brain. There are different kinds of encodings: numerical, logical, figurative, color. Each code has a certain function in the body, destroying human health.
Archintelligent God Nefhchuht.


It is a picture encoding aimed at Soul, at its accepting negative energies. The black hand with five fingers symbolizes the impact on Soul, the attempt to make it want to accept the negative. The white circle with a black bell also symbolizes a Soul full of negative energies. The shimmering on the black hand is supposed to make one look forward to accepting the encoding and the negative. The hand is surrounded with negative energies.
Archintelligent God Nefhchuht.